Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Ten Commandments

Have you ever wondered why there has been, for the past forty years or so, such an attack on the Ten Commandments? To remove them from our schools, our government, even our places of work. I'll bet you think it's because of the separation of church and state. Sorry, but that doesn't exist. What you have is something that's been repeated so often that it's assumed to be true. It's not. What is true is that our government was founded on godly principles and there is overwhelming documentation to prove it.

But to get back to the question of why the Ten Commandments are under such attack. It's because it's doing what it's designed to do and, that is, to expose sin for what it is. You see, all the reasons to take it out of our schools and our government are nothing more than a smoke screen. A diversion to the real reason for wanting them removed. Romans 7:7 says "I would not have known sin except through the law." Also, Romans 7:9 says "I was once alive without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died." So, you can see, it's the commandments of God that exposes our sin and our need for salvation. If you are of a carnal mind, the last thing you want is your sin exposed and told you need a savior.

So, sin separates us from God and separation from God is death because God is the source of all life. No living thing can be separated from it's source and live. A tree, taken from the ground that gives it it's water and nutrients, will not live. Jesus said in John 15 that He is the True Vine and we are the branches and apart from Him we can do nothing. In other words, spiritually, we dry up and die, unless we are continually connected to our life source. God's Word is life for us and to be separated from this is to be separated from our life source. The Ten Commandments are the word of God.

So, as we can see from the Genesis account of Adam and Eve, sin can make a person realize that they are exposed and naked and ashamed and, even, hide from God, their creator. Sin blinds us from the truth because, even as Adam and Eve did by trying to justify themselves, we do also. Those who don't have Christ as their justification seek to hide from God, who is the Truth. That's why it's so important to confess our sins, so that we are not deceived and restored to fellowship with God. We were not created spiritually, mentally, or physically to handle sin, but to be in perfect union with God. It is why many people in the world have mental disorders, physical disorders, and spiritual sickness. Now, to those who look into the face of Christ and receive His word, you have been set free from the law of sin and death, for Romans 16:14 says "Sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under law but under grace." Oh, hallelujah!

Father, I pray that all who are under the law might come to the glorious knowledge of Your Grace and be set free from the law of sin and death, that those who fear Your Ten Commandments would come to the knowledge of it's glorious purpose, that is, that You always desire our good and that You want to bless us and not curse us. Amen

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